Fact sheets

This series of fact sheets provides you with information on a variety of topics. If you still have questions, or can't find the information you're looking for, please contact us.

Account information

  • Account eligibility
    Learn about the criteria we consider when determining if an applicant is a business owner or a worker.
  • New account holders
    Find out more about your responsibilities as an employer, what optional personal coverage is, as well as the online services available through myWCB.


Alberta employer performance data


  • Request for review deadline extension
    Learn about requesting a deadline extension for a request for review on an account decision that is beyond 12 months.
  • Claim file disclosure
    When there’s a claim file disclosure request, personal information is protected and appropriately released under the Workers’ Compensation and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Acts.
  • Employer appeals consulting
    It's important that you understand the claim decisions associated with your account. We can help you understand the policies, legislation and facts used to make a decision.
  • Interim relief
    Learn about interim relief while waiting for a decision on an issue under review or appeal.
  • Payment of interest on retroactive premiums appeal decisions
    Interest is paid to you if the Appeals Commission awards you with a refund on the premiums you've already paid.
  • Questioning a WCB-Alberta decision
    If you disagree with a decision on your account, there's a process in place if you'd like to have the decision reviewed.

Claims and benefits

  • Claims correspondence
    You can receive most of your claims correspondence online through myWCB. If you sign up for this option, all claim-related correspondence will automatically be sent electronically. The exception is correspondence with attachments and resends, which will still be sent by mail or fax.
  • Cost of living adjustment
    For compensation purposes, a worker’s benefits reflect his or her earnings at the time of injury. The annual cost of living adjustment (COLA) restates the worker’s date-of-accident earnings in current dollars so today’s benefits reflect the worker’s real wage loss.
  • Medical investigation benefits
    This fact sheet outlines when wage loss benefits may be paid during a medical investigation.
  • No time-lost claims processing
    This fact sheet outlines the steps used for processing a no-time-lost claim. This is when a worker returns to regular duties without losing time from work beyond the day of injury and doesn't have a permanent disability.
  • Requesting a claim file
    Find out how you can request a copy of your worker's claim file for appeal or cost relief purposes.
  • Transferring claim costs
    There are times when claim costs can be transferred to another employer when it's determined that the claim was a result of negligence on the part of the other employer or their worker.
  • T5007 summary report
    This is a list of your employees who will receive a T5007 tax form from WCB.
  • Workplace fatalities
    Information on the benefits and services available to the surviving dependants of an employee lost in a workplace fatality.


  • Bullying/harassment in the workplace
    Every Alberta worker is entitled to a harassment free workplace. Learn which situations are considered bullying or harassment and what you can do as an employer to provide a safe work environment.
  • Condominium corporations
    Workers' compensation insurance is required by law for employers operating a condominium property if workers are employed.
  • Conversations tool kit
    It can be challenging to initiate conversations with a worker who is dealing with life or work stressors. Learn effective strategies for communication that promotes a safe psychological environment for your worker.
  • Coverage for exempt industries
    Not all industries are automatically covered by workers’ compensation insurance. You may voluntarily apply to have your workers protected if you're working in an exempt industry.
  • Coverage for workers not otherwise covered under the Act
    A deeming order can be used when you hire workers not covered under the Workers' Compensation Act. They will be deemed your workers for compensation purposes while working for you.
  • Critical incidents: Management and stress debriefing
    Learn what is considered to be a “critical incident”, the importance of having a planned response and how to conduct a critical incident stress debriefing with your employees.
  • Critical incident management process
    A visual guide to help you prepare, respond and restore in the event of a critical incident in the workplace.
  • Employer-provided premises
    Key factors are considered when looking at injuries that happen in employer-provided premises.
  • Employer-provided transportation
    We look at some key factors in determining if these injuries are covered through workers’ compensation coverage.
  • Employer vaccination mandates
    Some employers may require their workers to be vaccinated as a condition of employment. If an employer has a vaccination mandate in place, workers are typically covered for any related vaccine reactions.
  • Farming coverage
    Learn about coverage for farming and ranching operations, including who's covered and the benefits and cost of this coverage.
  • Foreign companies
    Foreign companies and their workers may not be eligible for workers’ compensation coverage in Alberta.
  • Guaranteed coverage amount for personal coverage
    There are guaranteed coverage amounts for more than 130 industries.
  • How claims affect your premium
    Whether you are a small or large business, learn how claims affect your claims experience.
  • Infectious diseases
    Learn when infectious diseases are considered work related and the factors considered to determine coverage.
  • Interprovincial transportation
    WCBs across Canada have simplified the registration and premium payment process for employers in specified transportation industries.
  • Medical cannabis
    Information on medical cannabis coverage for the treatment of a work-related injury or disease.
  • Mental health at work
    You play an important role in your worker’s mental well-being in the workplace. Learn how to recognize mental health concerns at work and helpful strategies to encourage positive mental health and a balanced workload.
  • Out-of-province coverage
    A look at some factors to keep in mind when your workers are working out of province.
  • Personal coverage
    This is optional coverage for people not automatically covered through the workers' compensation system. This includes business owners with or without workers, partnerships with workers, and directors of a corporation and members of a society, board, authority, commission or foundation.
  • Pooling of labour
    Pooling of labour happens when a contractor provides services on a contract and hires one or more helpers to complete the contract.
  • Presumptive coverage for traumatic psychological injuries
    To recognize the challenges in dealing with trauma at work, we provide presumptive coverage for psychological injuries sustained by first responders, emergency dispatchers and correctional officers in specific situations.
  • Psychological impacts of workplace stress
    Learn about common signs of chronic or workload stress (also referred to as “burnout”) that may impact your workers.
  • Psychological injuries as a result of stressors that occurred over time at work (chronic onset)
    Excessive and unusual stressors that occur over time or one stressor that lasts for a long time at work, can result in a psychological injury that can be personally devastating. A claim for a psychological injury can be accepted when the condition develops as a result of an emotional reaction to these stressors.
  • Psychological injuries as a result of traumatic event(s) at work
    Experiencing traumatic event(s) at work can result in a psychological injury or stress that can be personally devastating and require treatment to resolve. A claim for a psychological injury can be accepted when the condition develops following exposure to a traumatic event(s) at work.
  • Reporting infectious disease exposures
    Learn about when you are required to notify WCB if your worker was exposed to an infectious disease.
  • Reporting a psychological injury: Checklists for employers
    When a worker experiences a work-related traumatic event, WCB may ask for information to support the injury reporting forms. These checklists will help you gather what is required to adjudicate these claims.
  • Support your employee as they recover from a psychological injury
    Find out how you can support your employee during this difficult time.
  • Student coverage
    Students in college or university are covered through workers' compensation insurance.
  • Team building activities
    Team building activities may be covered by workers’ compensation insurance.
  • Temporary foreign workers
    Temporary foreign workers are covered by workers' compensation insurance.
  • Understanding the cause of your worker’s injury
    How WCB determines the work relatedness of injuries and compensation coverage.
  • Who do I have to cover?
    If you operate in a compulsory industry, you are required to provide coverage for all of your workers.
  • Working from a designated workspace (including home)
    Whether your employees work from home, perform hybrid work, telecommute or do telework, they may be covered if they perform employment duties outside of their employer’s premises or specific worksite. Learn about coverage while performing work from a designated workspace.
  • Wild fire exposures: Smoke
    Most instances of exposure to wild fire smoke are not work related, however there are a few exceptions.

Industry Custom Pricing (ICP)

Injury support services

  • Back injury program
    The back program incorporates a case plan that uses the combination of early intervention and the identification of modified work as its basis.
  • Medical panels
    Medical panels provide impartial, independent decision making to resolve medical issues that affect an injured worker's right to compensation.
  • Shoulder injury program
    This program minimizes the effects of shoulder injuries by using a combination of a specialized assessment and various treatments.


  • Minimum premium
    A minimum premium amount is charged to make sure there's an equal distribution of costs among employers.
  • Poor performance surcharge (PPS)
    PPS applies to employers who have reached the maximum surcharge for their size in the large employer experience rating plan.
  • Premium audits
    A premium audit is a review of your financial reporting system, verifying the earnings you’ve reported to WCB.
  • Premium rate statement
    A premium rate statement advises you of discounts or surcharges to your industry rate.
  • Safety associations
    Safety associations are a great resource to tap into. They can help you continue to build your safety program, provide you with safety resources, and more. Find out how they can help you.

Reporting earnings

Reporting an injury

Return to work

  • Bringing your injured worker back to work safely
    A list of accommodation strategies to consider when bringing your injured worker back to work after an illness or accident.
  • Duty to cooperate
    Workers and employers both have a duty to cooperate in all aspects of a worker’s safe return to work. Find out more about the role you play in your worker’s claim.
  • Egregious conduct
    In the event modified work ends or is suspended due to a worker’s egregious conduct, WCB will pay benefits as though the modified work is still in place. Learn more about egregious conduct.
  • Know your obligations after a workplace injury
    If your worker’s date of accident was between September 1, 2018 and March 31, 2021, it's your responsibility to offer them modified work after a workplace injury or illness.
  • Return to work planning meetings
    These meetings are used to develop a customized return-to-work plan that ensures your worker can return to work safely.
  • Temporary modified work
    Temporary modified work includes any changes, restrictions or limitations to your injured worker's regular job duties.
  • Train and Place program
    This program provides group training to a worker that is tailored to your specific employment needs. After training, the worker starts their training-on-the job opportunity with you, continuing to learn and enhance their skills on the job.
  • Training-on-the-job program
    This training program is designed to help injured workers who are no longer able to go back to their regular job. The worker develops skills and gains work experience while you receive financial assistance from WCB during the training period.
  • Virtual assessments
    Secure virtual assessment and treatment services are available from all providers. Find out what this means for you and your worker.
  • Work assessments
    A work assessment is designed to provide you financial assistance to help an injured worker return to work and learn new skills outside of the date of accident position. It can also be used to determine a worker’s capability for employment or suitability for a specific job or skills area.

Services for employers