Lower your premiums

You have a big impact on the premiums you pay. Employers with good safety performance and return-to-work programs earn lower premium rates. Reduce your premiums through programs that create safer workplaces, encourage injury prevention and help get injured workers back on the job quickly and safely.

In addition to the programs below, the WCB online system, myWCB, lets you quickly submit reports of injury online. Early reporting of injuries can result in faster claim and benefit decisions for your injured worker and lower your claim costs. For more information and to sign up for myWCB, continue to online services.

Partnerships in Injury Reduction (PIR)

By joining the Partnerships in Injury Reduction (PIR) program and developing effective health and safety management systems, you can earn up to 20 per cent off your industry rate. Learn more about the program and how to enroll.

Occupational Injury Service (OIS)

Occupational Injury Service (OIS) is designed to connect injured workers with fast access to medical professionals who specialize in work-related injuries. This service can help you to significantly improve recovery rates for your workers, lower claim costs and decrease your premiums. Find out more about this program and how to enroll.

Safety associations

Safety associations can help you develop a safe work environment. Improved workplace safety can result in fewer claims and help you lower your premiums.

Industry custom pricing (ICP)

Industries can customize the features of their pricing program. Depending on the ICP options your industry selects, you could see a decrease in the industry base rate as well as a larger discount or surcharge on your account based on your performance.

Modified work programs

You can help your injured worker return to work while he or she is recovering by offering temporarily adjusted duties or modified work. Find out more about the benefits of modified work and how it can help lower your premiums.