Authorizations: worker and employer representatives
Procedure summary
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Purpose | To add a representative to the claim file when requested by the worker or employer. |
Description | The request for authorization may be received by the decision maker directly or by another WCB staff member. When the form is received, the Access to Information team updates the authorization in the eCO system. A worker representative can be formal or informal, refer to the Authorization for representation - rules, types and extents section at the end of the procedure. |
Key information | Workers and employers may provide written authorization for a third party (individual or organization) to be their representative to act on their behalf and receive information. The extent of the authorization may be limited or it may be unlimited which allows the worker or employer to define what role the representative will play and/or what information they may give to or receive from the WCB. Refer to the Authorization for representation - rules, types and extents section at the end of the procedure. Workers and employers may revoke existing authorizations at any time if they no longer wish to have a representative or they want to change their representative. See Step 3 Revoke an authorization for more information. There are additional resources available for this procedure in the internal Procedure Resource Library. |